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A little  about me...

My name is Kelly Glaros.  I live in north Georgia with my husband and my five wondrous children. I am a stay at home mom and homeschool my kids. Little by little I have incorporated time for my art into the daily flow.  My family loves seeing what I come up with and they enjoy being a part of the inspiration.

I hold a degree in Illustration with an emphasis on children books from Savannah College of Art and Design. I traditionally work with acrylic but also love to include a variety of texture medium, inks, solvents and pigments to express my creativity in an alchemical way.  I am inspired by my children, and the wonders and magic of the natural world.  I try and find symbolism and unique imagery to bring alive the purity and intelligence found beneath the surface.

currently have originals, prints, cards, and hand painted mugs available at Artful Elijay, a beautiful mountain town in North Georgia.  Its an honor to have my work out there shining!

 I love bringing a hint of magic to peoples space and contributing my creativity to this incredibly beautiful journey ... Thank you for letting me share my gift with you!

©2024 Artistic Alchemy by Kelly

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